HEALTH COACH - This Woman Took Photos of 100 Penises and Learned Quite a Bit About Them in the Process

Photographer Laura Dodsworth has put together a book of photos of all different sorts of penises — long ones, short ones, skinny ones, fat ones, old ones, young ones, and every other sort of penis you can ~dream~ up.
The book is called Manhood, every penis tells a story, and according to The Guardian, it's contains the stories about a multitudes of dong:
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There is the trans man who invested in the biggest and best; the underpowered poet hung up on his for years, until he decided to celebrate it with The Big Small Penis Party; the man who as a teenager thought he had genital warts and considered killing himself, until he found out they were normal spots; the business leader whose small penis taught him humility; the sex addict whose wife tried to cut it off; and the vicar who enjoyed his first threesome while training for the priesthood.
In each of the 100 photos in the book, you see penis and testicles, stomach, hands, and thighs. The participants are between 20 and 92; some of them are friends, and all of them met she via word of mouth.
Dodsworth says the photos took only about 10 seconds to shoot, but that she would interview the men for a much longer period of time to document it in the book. She says that "once somebody bares their body, they are much more likely to bare their soul."
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She says what surprised her most about the whole process is the shame and anxiety many men feel about the size of their manhood.
“A lot more men feel a sense of shame or anxiety about their size, or an aspect of their performance, than I would have thought. What really moved me is how much that shame and inadequacy had bled into different parts of their life.”
She added that much of this is because they haven't been able to move on from childhood teasing.
Dodsworth has previously explored bodies with her book, Bare Reality, about people's relationships with their breasts. She says her projects are born from her relationship with her own body, and exploring what that might mean for men.
“I had this sense that men were in a ‘man box’ as much as I’d been in a ‘woman box’, and I wanted to get to know them better and hear their stories. One word for penis is manhood, so it seemed a perfect starting point to talk about being a man.”
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