HEALTH COACH - Children and strokes: symptoms to look for in babies, children
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Children and strokes: symptoms to look for in babies, children
What began as an ordinary family dinner for Kate and Michael Poret and their four children quickly turned into an emergency.
That was April 2, 2016 and, as they were eating, their 8-year-old son, Noah, suddenly complained that his right arm was falling asleep. Later in the evening, the right side of Noah's face began to fall and "it began to not make sense," said his mother.
As she looked for her symptoms online, a diagnosis continued to appear.
"It was traits in adults and I thought, well, it is not an adult so I do not think it could be a stroke," said Kate Poret, aged 33 Years, to TODAY.
But Noah - a perfectly healthy boy up to this point - had a major stroke. The Porets, who live in Texarkana, Texas, rushed into the local emergency room and then headed for the Children's Medical Center in Dallas. Noah spent more than two weeks in the intensive care unit, entering and exiting consciousness, and suffering from more traits.
He had five in all: a minor blow before April 2 that no one knew until it was revealed during a sweep, major stroke at family dinner and Three others afterwards. [1945-9007]
May is National Stroke Awareness Month and, although you can associate strokes with the elderly, they can happen to anyone, including babies, children and teens, warns the National Stroke Association. Stroke is one of the top 10 causes of death in children.
What to do if someone has a stroke
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What to do if someone has a stroke
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African-American boys and children are at higher risk, and pediatric strokes are slightly more common in children under the age of 2, according to the association.
Common risk factors include congenital heart defects, cranial or cervical trauma, and immune disorders.
In the case of Noah, the stroke was caused by Moyamoya, a rare cerebral vascular disorder caused by blocked arteries at the base of the brain. Why he has the disease is a mystery - doctors simply do not know the cause, said his mother.
Nearly two months after Noah's major blow, the surgeons pulled an artery from his scalp and laid it on the surface of his brain to feed it more blood - an operation known as Encephalo-duro-arterio-synangiosis (EDAS).
Courtesy of the Poret family
Noah had surgery to the brain in May 2016.
Rehab helped Noah walk and talk again.
"He has come a long way," said his mother.
But the blow had a profound impact on Noah, who was once a popular, lively, active student in sport. His academic performance has suffered, he can not do sports because of the risk of head injury and he is sensitive to loud noises. His personality has also changed, said his mother.
"He does not like socializing with his friends because he fears that people will not laugh at the way he speaks because it is much slower, he can not find the words, "She noted.
"Sometimes you can not reason with him, he will have a little more anger than he normally will ... I feel like I've lost some of it . "
The life of the family has also evolved considerably, with Noah's schedule now filled with medication, appointments and doctor's scans. His prognosis is unknown, but Noah is back at school and he has completed the fourth year this year.
How to spot 3 signs, symptoms of stroke
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How to spot 3 signs, symptoms of stroke
Play Video - 4:04
Her mother wants parents to know that strokes can occur in children and be on the lookout for symptoms, which can be subtle and not recognized for a long time.
Symptoms not to be ignored:
Here are some of the warning signs to look for, according to the International Alliance for Vascular Accidents through Pediatrics and the Association of Children with Hemiplegia and Stroke.
In newborns and infants:
• seizures
• extreme drowsiness
• the tendency to use one side of the body or to favor one hand - you may notice that your baby is not taking both hands in play.
In children and adolescents:
• a sudden, sudden headache that your child might call the "worst headache of my life", especially when accompanied by vomiting and drowsiness
• weakness or numbness on one side of the body
• problems speaking or understanding others
• loss of vision or double vision
• Severe vertigo
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