HEALTH COACH - Weight loss can be related to when, not just what you eat

 Weight loss can be related to when, not just what you eat  

You can skip breakfast. At lunch you can opt for a salad with lots of vegetables, no croutons and low-fat dressing - on the side, of course.

Then three hours strike.

You are incredibly hungry and craving for sweets, sweets or fries. You have finally dug, eat a card of candy or some other delight.

Around 6 hours, you tear the kitchen, nibbling on everything you see.

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In spite of your Best efforts to reduce carbohydrates at meals, you learn about a large amount of pasta or pizzas. And then another. But you are still not satisfied. Dessert calls, and you want something sweet again. A scoop or two of ice will satisfy you at the moment, but you continue to graze in the night until eventually you are so tired you are bumping into bed.

So what is the cause of all that drama drama that occurs, almost according to the schedule?

"I began to notice a common pattern where my patients were so good with the limitation of their calories during the day but in the late afternoon and evening they Are separated, "said Tamara Duker Freuman, a nutritionist who has helped hundreds of people lose weight over the past decade on a plan based on the meal schedule she describes as the" circadian synchronized diet " .

"That was the continuous grazing in the night ... That was what threatened them." They often thought that they were generous ... but in reality they Were really hungry.

"They just ate a little more at breakfast and lunch, so they added a few hundred extra calories in the morning they will consume under control And will lose weight, "she said.

Research on front-loading foods

It is true that excessive calories to n & 39 Any time of the day will result in weight gain.But skipping meals or eating too few calories at the start of the day seems to stack The odds are against us.The result: weight loss is hard to find. , More and more research indicates that when you are loading your calories instead, you have to m Chances of losing pounds.

"What we have seen is that people have diets having the same number of calories as the loading calories before t O the first part of the day is better in terms of measures Subjective and objective satiety, "said Freuman. "They feel more sleepy in the evening, and there are actually differences in their hormones of hunger and satiety ... and this seems to contribute to the success of weight loss."

A study of 420 overweight and obese participants divided the individuals into two groups: beginners and late eaters, depending on the time of their lunch (ie before or after 15 hours). Late breakfasts also ate low-calorie breakfasts or had lunch breakfast more often than beginners.

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At the end of the The 20-week study period, late consumers lost less weight compared to previous eaters (17 versus 22 pounds on average, respectively) and lost their weight more slowly, despite the fact that both groups Consumed about 1,400 calories per day and consumed similar amounts of fat, protein and carbohydrates.
Another study followed two groups of overweight women with metabolic syndrome on 1,400- Both groups consumed 500 calories at lunch, but one group consumed 700 calories for breakfast and one dinner Of 200 calories (the "Big Group Breakfast"), while the other group ate 200 calories at the Fast Break and 700 calories at dinner (the "Grand Dinner" group).
The nutrient content of the meals was exactly the same for both groups, the only difference being that Breakfast and dinner meals were exchanged After 12 weeks the large breakfast group lost about twice as much weight as the large group dinner (8.7 pounds for the large group of breakfast, Lunch vs. 3.6 pounds for large group dinner) and lost More than 4 inches extra around their waists.

The large breakfast group experienced a 33% decline in triglyceride levels - a marker associated with the risk of heart disease - while the group that ate the caloric dinner had an increase of 14.6%. The larger breakfast group also experienced greater reduction in fasting blood glucose, insulin resistance scores and insulin, all of which indicate a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes , Ac According to the authors of the study.

So calories and front loading carbohydrates are not only favorable in terms of weight loss, but have had beneficial effects on other overall health indicators, including a Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

This second study "opened my eyes," said Freuman. "It was not only that people were less hungry and ate less at night, but it indicated that there might be some sort of underlying metabolic magic, where the time of calories and carbohydrates was Important, more than the total amount of calories and carbohydrates consumed in a day.That helped me understand what I was seeing intuitively in my patients. "

Circadian rhythms: the "Metabolic Magic"

More and more research suggests that when you eat can be just as important as what you eat and it is closely related to the complex science of circadian rhythms.

According to the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, circadian rhythms are physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a cycle of approximately 24 hours, primarily in response to light and radiation. Darkness in the environment of an organism.

Circadian rhythms are driven by biological clocks inside our body. The brain has a main biological clock, influenced primarily by light, which indicates the "peripheral" clocks in the muscles and organs at the time of day. Because of these clocks, many of the metabolic processes that take place in us operate at different rates over a 24-hour period.

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Circadian rhythms can help Explain why eating late at night increases The probability of weighing T wins and decreases the rate of weight loss compared to eating earlier in the day.

For example, research suggests that the calories we burn from digestion, absorption and metabolism of nutrients in the foods we consume - known as diet-induced thermogenesis Food - are influenced by our circadian system and are less than 8 Pm than 8 am, according to Frank AJL Scheer, Director of the Medical Chronobiology Program in the Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

Other metabolic processes involving sensitivity to insulin and fat storage also function according to circadian rhythms and can significantly influence the likelihood of weight gain or weight loss at different Times of the day.

"These different metabolic processes are reflected and flow at different times of the day, and they play a role in how your body metabolizes food energy, which ultimately affects your Weight, your cholesterol and your blood sugar - and so it has a lot of implications for what is considered an optimal time to eat, "Freuman said.

The breakfast-skippers is wary

Circadian rhythms can help explain why jumping breakfast is associated with an increased risk of weight gain, Even in those who consume comparable amounts of calories in a day.

"The link between breakfast breakdown and obesity had already been thought to be due to over-compensation of calories at subsequent meals due to excessive hunger ... But research does not always show differences in the total energy intake among the breakfast- Skippers, "said Freuman.

 Does fasting on alternative days work? A new study weighs in "data-src-mini =" // "data-src-xsmall =" // i2. "data-src-small =" -waistline-large-169.jpg "data-src-medium =" // " / "data-src-full16x9 =" // Waistline-full-169.jpg "data-request-load =" non-data-src-mini1x1 = "//" "Src =" data: image / gif; "data-eq-pts =" min: 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, A new study weighs in "class =" media__image "src =" wiki_wiki_wiki_wiki_wiki Http: //i2.c"/></noscript></div></div></div><p>"Other thing to About to skip breakfast - outside of potentially Eating more calories later in the day - must explain the greater risk of weight gain among breakfast bosses, "she said. A more likely answer: eating more calories in the upper part of the day is at odds with the metabolic circadian rhythms. </p> <p> "We get less metabolic robustness as we age," she explained. "So even if you forgot to skip breakfast and eat off sync in your 20s or 30s, that could possibly catch up with you." </p> <p> Night shift workers can also benefit from eating in sync with their circadian rhythms. They can alter the meal time to synchronize with the metabolic circadian rhythms by eating breakfast at the end of their workday at 7 or 8 am and then eat their heaviest meal when they wake up, Around 3 or 4 hours </p> <p> Freuman discourages his sick at night from eating at night. "We do not want them to eat many calories, so we will sip them with tea or have a Thermos of miso soup or, if necessary, something small like an apple in order to minimize the calories at night." </p> <p> "Your metabolism works somehow, whether you're awake or asleep, so even if you're awake for most of the night you still want to eat most of your calories during the day. Sleep has little to do with this, "Freuman said. </p> <p> <h3> Tips for eating in sync with circadian rhythms </h3> </p> <p> So how do we eat in sync with Freuman suggests the following, what she advises her patients: </p> <p> <strong> 1. Do not skip the small one Breakfast </strong> </p> <p> Ideally, breakfast should be sufficiently satisfying to prevent a mid-morning snack, and it should have a minimum of 300 calories, according to Freuman.It should always include rich carbohydrates In fiber, which are more slowly digested than refined carbohydrates, and should include protein, which helps keep hunger in check. </p> <p> Good breakfasts include a cup of cooked oatmeal With weak milk E fat and a small handful of walnuts, two slices of Ezekiel or whole grain bread with avocado purged and sliced ​​Tomato or an omelette with two eggs with vegetables, fruit and a slice of toast . </p> <p> If you are not hungry when you wake up, you can count breakfast for a few hours but do not ignore it, according to Freuman. </p> <p> <strong> 2. Have the "special blue plate" for lunch </strong> </p> <p> "Lunch should be like this special blue plate ... the main meal of the day" , Said Freuman. </p> <p> For a simple lunch strategy, Freuman suggests filling half of your plate with unstarched vegetables and then splitting the second half into protein (such as fish or grilled chicken) and carbohydrates rich in Slowly digested fibers (like beans or quinoa). "A grilled chicken salad is fine, but try adding a sweet potato to the oven, a bunch of chickpeas or even a thick, spicy lentil soup," she said. </p> <p> If you prefer a sandwich for lunch, with vegetables rich in fiber. "A turkey sandwich is part of a good lunch, but it 's not a full lunch". Try adding soup or carrots to butternut squash with hummus. </p> <p> Other breakfasts recommended by Freuman include cooked salmon with lentils and cooked green vegetables or a bowl of Mexican quinoa with quinoa, black beans, chicken, avocado and salsa, as well as a bunch Of greens. </p> <p> The easiest way to plan lunch can be to use the leftovers from last night. "I dine at home and hear my leftovers for lunch the next day. When I get home from work, I do not tear up the house. </p> <p> <strong> 3. Pack a snack </strong> </p> <p> An afternoon snack may be necessary if the lunch and dinner are spread out over five hours. However, it should not exceed 200 calories, and it should be high in protein and fiber. "This will prevent you from coming to dinner starving to death," Freuman said. </p> <p> Snacks that will satisfy include an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter, tomatoes to grapes, a hard boiled egg or simple Greek yogurt with fruits. </p> <p> <strong> 4. Go low-carb for dinner </strong> </p> <p> The dinner should be light and low in carbohydrates. "The more you can go low carb for dinner, the more it will mitigate the effects of deformed calories at night," said Freuman. </p> <p> Dinners may include cooked fish and vegetables, brass tacos or a turkey burger (minus the bread) and a light salad dressing. </p> <p> "I will make turkey dumplings for my children, and I will give them pasta too, but I will have mine on a bed of spinach - and the next day I will bring the Pasta For lunch. "</p> <p> And when you lunch, Freuman suggests ordering two hors d'oeuvres, such as a salad and a cocktail of shrimp or grilled squid. </p> </div> <p> Lisa Drayer is a nutritionist, author and health journalist. </p> </pre></pre>
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