HEALTH COACH - Searching for medical abortions online is safe and effective, study finds | World News
Searching for medical abortions online is safe and effective, study finds | World News![]()
A study on women seeking abortion pills online in the face of strict laws against layoffs revealed that nearly 95% ended their pregnancy safely without surgical intervention.
Experts say the study highlights the safety of medical abortion and stresses that women who experience symptoms of possible complications follow advice to seek medical help in clinics or hospitals.
"This is an abortion entirely outside the formal health setting: it is a model of online telemedicine, but this research shows that it can Being both safe and very effective, "said Abigail Aiken, an assistant professor of public affairs at the University of Texas at Austin.
Around the world, about 43,000 women die every year due to the lack of access to safe and legal abortions.
Abortion in Ireland is currently legal only if a termination saves the life of a woman. In Northern Ireland, abortion is also permitted if there is a permanent or serious risk to the mental or physical health of the woman.
However, the 1861 Law on Offenses against Persons means that women may be sentenced to life for administering a medication to induce miscarriage, as the 1967 Act on Abortion No. 39 Has not been adopted in Northern Ireland.
In the British Medical Journal, Aiken and an international team of researchers reveal how they surveyed the results for women in Ireland and Northern Ireland who had searched for mifepristone and misoprostol abortion medications through Women On - a digital community that provides medical care consultations, anti - abortion medications and online support.
Of the 1,636 women who were sent medications between early 2010 and late 2012, the team was able to analyze the self-reported data of 1,000 individuals who confirmed taking the pills. All had less than 10 weeks of pregnancy.
The results reveal that nearly 95% of women managed to end their pregnancies without the need for surgery. No woman died, although seven women needed a blood transfusion and 26 needed antibiotics.
Of the 93 women who experienced symptoms for which counseling sought medical attention, 95% did so, going to a hospital or clinic.
"When we talk about self-searched, self-induced abortion, people think of hangers or think of paintings in the aisles aft," said Aiken. "But I think this research really shows that in 2017, self-fed abortion is a network of people who help us and support each other through what is actually a safe and effective process in the comfort of their Own homes, and I think is a big step forward in Public Health ".
But while Aiken stated that previous research has revealed that women in Ireland and Northern Ireland have been pleased to have been able to purchase abortion pills online, she Pointed out that the approach was far from the ideal solution for women wishing to end their pregnancy.
"I think that even if it is a positive thing for public health, this is not a positive thing for women 's lives because they still have to feel like criminals "She said.
Aiken added that the study had limitations, in particular because it was based, although by necessity, on self - reported information and did not have data for more than 450 women who received the drug Against abortion but have not made contact with women on the Web.
Richy Thompson, director of public affairs and policy of the British Humanist Association, welcomed the study but said that online access concealed from abortion pills Was not enough.
"This still does not allow women who must have access to an abortion later and therefore can not use pills, and these women currently have to go to Britain to have an abortion and are charged up to 39 To £ 900 by the NHS, "he added. "In addition, it does not remove from these women the risk of prosecution for obtaining abortion pills."
Indeed, one case in hand is that of a woman from Northern Ireland who was sued for obtaining abortion pills for her daughter after one General practitioner reported it to the police.
[Espéronsquecetterechercheneferaquerenforcerlanécessitédemettrefinàl'injusticelégaleselonlaquellelesfemmesbienqu'ellespuissentavoiraccèsauxpilulesd'avortementsansrisquedanslapratiquepeuventnéanmoinsfairefaceàdespoursuitespourcefaire"adéclaréThompsonMara Clarke, founder of the Abortion Support Network, helps women from Ireland, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man to travel to the UK, The United Kingdom for the dismissals, agree. "More and more people who contact us express the fear of criminal prosecution," she said, adding that women should be wary of online scammers when searching for abortion pills.
While Clarke welcomed new evidence of the safety of both drugs, she pointed out that organizations such as Women on Web and the Abortion Support Network are only one Plaster on the problem faced by women.
"Everything that helps women to resist safely and encourages them to have layoffs safely is as in my book, but my ultimate goal is that the support network to the" Abortion is put out of operation by a reform of the law, "she said.
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