HEALTH COACH - The police officer in East Liverpool, Ohio, collapsed and was transported to the hospital after brushing the fentanyl residue out of his uniform, which allowed the drug To free himself from his uniform.
The police officer in East Liverpool, Ohio, collapsed and was transported to the hospital after brushing the fentanyl residue out of his uniform, which allowed the drug To free himself from his uniform.![]()
To enter his system by his hands. The officer had apparently met with the opioid earlier in the day by making a bust of drugs.
"It 's frightening, he could have got out of the building and left and he could have collapsed while driving. Is on his clothes, "said East Liverpool police chief John Lane to CNN.
"His wife, her children and her dog could be confronted with her and boomed, they died.This could never end."
This happened last Friday after the Liverpool officers from the East made a traffic stop and detained two men whom they believe were Involved in a drug deal.
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