Parents have a hospital bill of $ 200,000 after an insurance numberFor the Jay family, they had no idea of their new Joy package had the opportunity to lead them to financial ruin.
Amy and Mac Jay hosted Evelyn in the world prematurely on January 16 after the couple suffered several miscarriages and infertility problems.
They spent two weeks at their newborn baby while her small lungs were struggling to work and watched countless experts at the Alabama hospital worked to save her life.
Finally, the family was able to take the little girl home, but the relief was short lived when Amy opened a bill of about $ 200,000 in March.
Amy Gave birth to a hospital off the network and, although their insurance would cover some of the delivery charges, she delayed adding Evelyn to the plan, which resulted in an astronomical charge.
Now the family Jay is faced with bankruptcy and d Seeking with hope a way to find the huge sum.
Amy Jay (right) and her husband were hit with a hospital bill of about $ 200,000 after their daughter Evelyn (left and right) was born prematurely in January. Amy said that even if they had insurance, they did not add the newborn in time to cover the expenses
The total cost of the invoice is $ 178,389.47, and Amy said that if Evelyn was covered, it would have cost a fraction of the current amount
Family friends have launched a GoFundMe to raise some of the bill before it is due at the end of the month.
Amy, 27, said that if Evelyn would have been covered by insurance, even with complications, the total bill would be a tenth of what is in the current statement.
Amy described her current situation as a "fairly horrible tale" and wants to publicize what she calls the new "American Health History".
Mother of two said that she expected to pay up to $ 15,000 in hospital bills through insurance.
Instead, she was hit by a $ 178,389.47 bill that her insurance refused to cover.
She stated that her husband made tremendous efforts to get the best health care with her work, even leaving a position that he liked to start a new one that had a better blanket.
This means that Mac left his Work with a "catastrophic show" to move his family into another state with a post with a better care package.
They went from North Carolina to Huntsville, Alabama, when Amy was seven months pregnant (about 34 weeks pregnant) in order to take advantage of the new benefits.
However, since Mac started his new job in January, his profits will not be released until next month - just one week before Amy gets rid of his job February 9
Not wanting Being uninsured, they decided to take out Cobra insurance for a month, they were not covered by the new plan.
Amy said: "Growing up in America, I have always been told to be assured; Do not even let a minute pass without being covered because, right now, something will go wrong.
"My due date was not until February and we were going through while hoping that it would not come before. & # 39;
Evelyn was placed in an incubator (pictured) and had a fan for the first few weeks of her life. She was born prematurely at 36 weeks
The remaining mother at home said before working, she checked at the hospital to make sure that they were covered .
Then, at 36 weeks of pregnancy in mid-January, Amy entered the work - half a month before their new coverage became effective.
She had to have a C-section and although Evelyn was not severely premature, her lungs were.
Amy added: "Her lungs were totally premature. Just crying collapsed in his lungs. Her chest was moving as fast as the butterfly wings and it was violet and blue.
"This was very traumatic. I do not doubt that the doctors and the nurses, incredible, saved the life of my daughter. They deserved to be paid, but I do not think parents should be stuck with this whole bill. "
The main problem does not depend on the off-grid hospital, which added to the total cost, but that Evelyn was not added to the insurance plan before birth.
Amy stated that her husband had sent an email to an insurance representative asking what it was necessary to do to make sure Evelyn was covered when she was born, The Friday before his coming.
Amy said: "I do not doubt that the doctors and nurses, incredible, saved my daughter's life. They deserved to be paid, but I do not think parents should be stuck with this whole bill
Amy came to work as a result of Monday and lost in chaos was an answer out of the representative's office the same day.
The family said they had never heard of the insurance company, and assumed that the issue was being addressed.
But when Amy opened a bill on March 13, which was also her birthday, they realized that Evelyn had never been covered.
Amy said: "Apparently, you normally have 30 days to add a child to the insurance plan." We never noticed .No one tried to contact us about
Amy added: "I do not know anyone who has 20,000 $, Much less $ 200,000. It is unfair that this is what happens when your baby is born ill.
"We have an unfair and broken system that harms intermediate people, which is a huge piece of Americans.
"We are not eligible for Medicaid, we were disqualified from $ 120 per month in Alabama. In North Carolina, we had $ 70 more than the requirement.
In the United States, about 10 percent of babies were born before the 37th week of pregnancy, after the data for 2015.
The cost of childbirth varies differently across the United States. The most expensive place to deliver a child is in Sacramento, which costs an average of $ 15,420 per vaginal delivery and $ 27,067 for a caesarean section.
Infants born before the term often need special medical assistance because the last weeks of pregnancy are necessary To completely terminate the development of the lungs, brain and liver.
Amy said that she expected to pay about $ 15,000 in total for the cost of delivery and care before delivery.
The total sum draws attention to the increase in delivery costs in the United States.
The cost of having a baby varies wildly in 30 major cities of the country, revealed research of 2016.
The average price to be delivered by vagal delivery was the most Dear to Sacramento $ 15,420, The cheapest was in Kansas City, Missouri, about $ 6,000.
The average price to be delivered by Caesarean section was also in Sacramento at $ 27,067, the cheapest was in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at about $ 6,800.
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