HEALTH COACH - Beauty sleep is a real thing, shows the research
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Beauty sleep is a real thing, shows the research
Image copyright MilanMarkovic / Getty images
Beauty sleep is a real thing, according to researchers who have shown that people who lack sleep seem less attractive to others.
A couple of bad nights enough to make sure that a person is "significantly" more ugly, suggest their sleeping experiences.
Eyes "panda" and swollen blankets can even get others to socialize with you, they say.
People were categorized by strangers as less healthy and affordable when they had tired faces.
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The experiment
The researchers asked 25 university students, some men and some women, to be guinea pigs in their sleeping experience.
Volunteers - who received a payment for their help - were sent home with a kit that would measure their nocturnal movements to verify that they had not deceived and slept when they Would not have had.
They were asked to have a good night's sleep for two consecutive nights.
A week later, they were asked to limit themselves to only four hours of sleep per night for two nights in a row.
Researchers took free photos of makeup volunteers after the good and bad sleep sessions.
Then they asked 122 foreigners - women and men living in the Swedish capital, Stockholm - to look at the photos and evaluate them on attractiveness, health, drowsiness and Reliability, as well as asking them: "How much would you like to socialize with that person on the photo?"
Foreigners correctly judged whether the person they were looking at was tired and, 39 They had sleep, their score of attractiveness suffered.
Foreigners also said they would be less willing to socialize with tired students, which they also perceived as less healthy, reports the Royal Society Open Science Journal.
Researchers at the Karolinska Institute claim that this is logical in evolutionary terms.
"An unhealthy face, whether due to sleep deprivation or otherwise, could activate anti-disease mechanisms in others."
In other words, people do not want to deal with people who might be sick, while someone who looks energetic and fit Will hold a lot of appeal.
The principal researcher, Dr. Tina Sundelin, added: "I do not want to worry people or make them lose sleep on these discoveries though. Face very well if they miss a little bit of sleep repeatedly. "
Dr. Gayle Brewer, a psychologist at the University of Liverpool and a member of the British Psychological Society, said:" The judgment of attractiveness is often unconscious, but we We all do, and we are able to take into account even small clues as if someone looks tired or unhealthy.
"We want our partners to be attractive and energetic.
" This study is a good reminder of the importance of sleep for us. "
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