"Catch-up" sleep hampers attention and creativity, suggests study - HealthAs a college or university student, sleep can sometimes feel like an opponent instead of an ally. Whether for exams, staying up all night to complete a task, or simply wanting the day of yourself, sleeping is often insufficient. However, new research from the United States suggests that abnormal sleep patterns have a cost for students.
While lack of sleep is a universal post-secondary experience, studio-based disciplines, such as fine art, architecture and interior design, are famous for taking the deprivation of Sleep in a state of ill health, according to Elise King. King is an Assistant Professor of Interior Design at Baylor University and principal author of a new article that examines sleep habits of students.
Michael Scullin, assistant professor of psychology and neuroscience at Baylor, was also part of the study, which studied how the creativity and attention of interior design students were Affected by the marathons of sleep, where people were trying to catch up the missed rest.
An example would be to go to sleep five hours a night from Monday to Friday, to crash for 10 or 12 hours a night during the weekend. Sleep reversal thus interferes with the hormonal balance of the circadian rhythm, which confuses the body 's sense of sleep.
In an interview with CBC News, Scullin said the interior design was chosen as a good example of a studio-based course.
"Creativity is important to this profession, and we wanted to seize it," he said.
How much rest the students got?
Published in the Journal of Interior Design, the study focused on 28 students in interior design, most dealing with the stress of a term project. Over a week, subjects wore a bracelet similar to a Fitbit that detects motion and light to calculate how much they slept. They also kept logs to record the quality and quantity of their sleep.
The results showed that only one of the 28 students slept seven hours or more per night, and nearly four out of five had less than seven hours of sleep for at least three nights in the week. Most students reported receiving four more hours of sleep in the week than what they actually received.
The National Sleep Foundation, based in the United States, recommends seven to nine hours of sleep per night. While Scullin said that not everyone was willing to follow the recommendations, he added that "students believe that they need less sleep than they actually need ".
To determine how sleep marathons affected their mental faculties, the 28 participants completed a series of tests an hour before and after the week to measure any change in creativity and attention.
The famous author Vladimir Nabokov was not a fan of sleep and regarded insomnia as a blessing for his creativity. (Keystone / Getty Images)) The Baylor research team can test this claim.
While 28 subjects are not a particularly impressive number to draw strong conclusions, Baylor 's research team seeks to revert to other majors based on the studio, hoping to leverage More participants and expand to other universities.
Scullin hopes that the study of Baylor will spark a discussion on the importance of sleep among students.
"When we have a great delay, something to complete, we have this tendency to substitute healthy activities to reduce. People reduce exercise, eat healthily and sleep, which impairs the ability to think creatively. Try to keep these habits healthy because it plays better in functioning as a student, "said Scullin.
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