HEALTH COACH - Experts claim to have found the first link between endometriosis and the genetic mutations that cause cancer. Endometriosis is an incurable state where tissues develop outside the anomaly of endometriosis and cancers
Experts claim to have found the first link between endometriosis and the genetic mutations that cause cancer.Endometriosis is an incurable state where tissues develop outside the anomaly of endometriosis and cancers
The uterus - causing severe pelvic pain, vomiting, intestinal and urinary disorders - and may even leave women sterile.
It is very common to affect one in ten women, including celebrities Lena Dunham, Julianne Hough, Susan Sarandon, Whoopi Goldberg and presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton
Now, researchers say they found genes related to cancer in benign endometriosis samples.
They say that this is the first scientific study to show that endometriosis could increase a person 's risk of contracting cancer.
Scientists claim to have found the first link between endometriosis and the genetic mutations that cause cancer. Symptoms include severe pelvic pain, intestinal and urinary disorders - and may even leave women sterile
Lena Dunham shared a hospital bed break from her ER visit (left) for complications of her fifth operation of endometriosis after being rushed to the 39
Experts from Johns Hopkins Medicine and the University of British Columbia believe that identifying these mutations will help doctors decide plans Treatment for patients with aggressive endometriosis.
Ie-Ming Shih, a professor of gynecology at Johns Hopkins, said: "The discovery of these mutations is a first step in the development of a genetic- Endometriosis so clinicians can determine which forms of disorders may require more aggressive treatment and which are not.
This progress marks a milestone For healthcare professionals who are always trying to discover exactly what triggers agonizing affliction.
Endometriosis occurs when the cells normally found in the lining of the uterus attach these elves to other parts of the pelvic area - causing scar tissue, pain And inflammation.
This often causes intense pain and, in rare cases, it has been found around the spine, lungs and even the brain.
Lena Dunham and Julianne Hough are among the biggest ladies of Hollywood who have revealed their fight against the disease.
Dunham, 30, has been transported to the hospital since the Met gala for a few weeks due to complications of his fifth endometriosis surgery.
She wrote: "I would also like to remind all women suffering from chronic diseases that we are not weak - just the opposite, in fact. We do our job competently even when we are in trouble. We care about families even when we can not cure ourselves. "
Hough initially began to feel symptoms at the age of 15, but "did not realize that he ' Simply acting as a woman ". Dunham used her story to congratulate women on their strength