Ebola kills 3 in Democratic Republic of Congo, WHO says![]()
The first case, which ended on 22 April, involved a man of 45 years. The taxi driver who took the man to the hospital and a person who took care of the man fell ill and died later, said the WHO.
The three deaths have arrived in the health district of Likati, in the province of Bas-Uele, which borders the Central African Republic.
The province of Bas-Uele, with a population of 900,000 inhabitants in 2007, is mainly inhabited by the Boa tribe, which subsists through agriculture and hunting and conducts trade By the river Uele.Health officials are investigating 17 other suspected cases, said Dr. Ernest Dabire, coordinator of the health division of the WHO in Kinshasa. He further estimated that 125 people had been associated with confirmed Ebola cases and urged the public to be vigilant and to consult his doctor if he experienced fever or other symptoms.
Symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and hemorrhage may start from 2 to 21 days after exposure .
Although the scope of the epidemic is not yet known, WHO does not recommend restrictions on trade with or traveling to the DRC.
The team is headed for the epicenter
Ebola is a highly infectious virus spread by contact with body fluids, and tests show that the latest outbreak involves the strain of Zaire, the most dangerous of viruses known to cause disease.
A 2007 outbreak of this strain in Congo had a mortality rate of 74%, which presented 200 lives.
"WHO has already mobilized technical experts to be deployed in the field and is ready to provide the leadership and technical expertise needed to build a coordinated and effective response," said Moeti.
Three days before, a team led by the DRC's Ministry of Health began hiking in the Likati Health Zone to begin an investigation. The 1,400-kilometer (870-mile) route from Kinshasa to Likati is isolated and isolated with limited transportation networks, requiring two to three days of travel.
There is no approved vaccine to prevent the virus and there is no approved treatment or treatment. Clinical trials of an experimental vaccine are underway in West Africa.; $ VidEndSlate.removeClass (video__end-slate - inactive). AddClass (video__end-slate - active);}}; CNN.autoPlayVideoExist = (CNN.autoPlayVideoExist === true)? 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