HEALTH COACH - Candidate to lead the W.H.O. Accused of Covering Up Epidemics
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Candidate to lead the W.H.O. Accused of Covering Up Epidemics
Dr. Nabarro telephoned Saturday in China, said he knew the charges, mainly because global health officials believe that Ethiopia is suffering from a cholera epidemic even Now, while refusing it, but he insisted that he did not authorize their release.
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"I did not know absolutely," he said.
His advisor, Lawrence O. Gostin, director of the Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University, Attention on Ethiopia Long history of refusal of cholera epidemics, even if the aid agencies spread to contain them. Some of these epidemics occurred on Dr. Tedros' watch.
Mr. Gostin testified that he acted without consulting Dr. Nabarro, and did so because he believed the W.H.O. "Could lose legitimacy" if headed by a representative of a country that covers epidemics itself
"Dr. Tedros is a compassionate and highly competent public health worker, "He said. "But he had a duty to tell the truth to power and to identify and irrefutably declare cholera outbreaks verified over a long period of time."
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In an interview, Dr. Tedros, who was the Ethiopian Minister of Health from 2005 to 2012, remains highly regarded for his achievements and then refuse to cover cholera.
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The epidemics in 2006, 2009 and 2011, he said, were "acute watery diarrhea" in remote areas where laboratory tests are "difficult". This is what the Ethiopian government said then and now says about an epidemic that began in January.
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W.H.O. Officials complained privately that Ethiopian officials are not telling the truth about these epidemics. The test of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, which causes cholera, is simple and takes less than two days.
In previous epidemics, various news organizations, including The Guardian and The Washington Post, reported that unnamed Ethiopian officials were pressing agencies to help avoid using the word Cholera "and not to report the number of people affected.
But the bacteria of the cholera were found in samples of stools exchanged smuggled from the country. As soon as severe diarrhea began to appear in neighboring countries, the cause was identified as cholera.
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United Nations officials said more aid could have been delivered to Ethiopia in truth.
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Somalia, bordering on Ethiopia, is currently struggling against a large outbreak of cholera and a new vaccine is being deployed there. The aid officials believe that cholera also circulates in neighboring Ethiopia, but without confirmation, they can not release the vaccine.
Ethiopia's Ministry of Health still calls "acute watery diarrhea" and told VOA News last month that It would not change this report without laboratory confirmation, And he said that he did not.
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Under the International Health Regulations, which applies to all W.H.O. Members, countries need to report epidemics accurately. But the W.H.O. Can officially only report what the countries say. Photo
A woman with her baby, severely malnourished and suffering from diarrhea, in 2011 in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has suffered from numerous epidemics of diarrheal diseases in 2006, 2009 and 2011. Luc van Kemenade / Associated Press
Historically, some countries have attempted to conceal or combat epidemics of human or animal diseases, lest travel restrictions be imposed, tourism suffer, or food exports Would be restricted or simply a matter of national pride.
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The settlement was strengthened after China refused for months in 2003 that it had had a severe respiratory lethal illness in its southern cities. This epidemic is ultimately known as SARS, for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and spreads to several other countries, including Canada.
Dr. Margaret Chan, the current W.H.O. Director General, is originally from China, but has never been accused of having participated in the concealment of China. She was director of health in Hong Kong at the time and has led effective responses to avian flu and SARS.
China has since changed its policy and has often been commended for quickly recognizing outbreaks, combating them aggressively and cooperating with other health organizations.
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There are many causes of acute watery diarrhea, and the treatment is essentially the same as for cholera: rapid intravenous and oral rehydration, accompanied with an antibiotic if the cause is bacterial.
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But cholera is particularly virulent and kills some victims in less than 24 hours. As it emerged from the Ganges River Delta in 1817, it killed tens of millions in the world.
Cholera epidemics tend to decrease and decrease and are affected by many factors, including floods, displacement, immunity Victims and a phage virus that attacks Bacteria Vibrio
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Dr. Tedros, who supported the African Union and was praised by international aid officials and former President George W. Bush, is widely respected for his mandate as As Minister of Health of Ethiopia.
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He trained 19 female health teams, improved laboratories, ambulance fleets and medical school graduates multiplied by ten. Deaths related to AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, as well as deaths of young children and women in childbirth have fallen by more than 50 percent.
He was Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia from 2012 to 2016 and was congratulated for his diplomatic skills, and then left the office to report to WHO Work.
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During the campaign of Dr. Tedros, he was placed on the defensive for working for a repressive government. Human Rights Watch and even the State Department have accused the ruling party of deporting thousands of citizens, toppling hundreds of protesters and imprisoning or torturing political opponents and journalists.
He replied that some human rights violations were serious mistakes, but argues that Ethiopia is a "nascent democracy" with growing pains common to new governments.
Dr. Nabarro is a British public health specialist who led the United Nations responses to Ebola, avian flu, hunger and other health crises.
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The third candidate for the top W.H.O. Post is Dr. Sania Nishtar, a Pakistani cardiologist and an expert in noncommunicable diseases.
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Dr. Nabarro has acknowledged from time to time to get advice from Mr. Gostin, but expressed his surprise and dismay at the fact that the question was raised so late in the race.
"I am very eager to be very careful not to pursue an activity that could be considered inappropriate," said Dr. Nabarro.
Dr. Tedros compared the charge to James B. Comey, then the F.B.I. Director, announcing a re-opening of Hillary Clinton's private messaging server investigation last year just before election day in the United States.
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If Dr. Nabarro really did not know, "he does not have control of his team," said Ted Ted. He said that the supporters of Dr. Nabarro had a "typical colonial mentality aimed at winning at all costs and discrediting a candidate from a developing country."
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