HEALTH COACH - Book Review: The Developmental Science of Early Childhood

 Book Review: The Developmental Science of Early Childhood  
 Book Review: The Developmental Science of Early Childhood "srcset =" // -content / uploads / 2017/05 / 41fFoVlOnL._SL350.jpg 232w, // 199w, //dri6hp6j35hoh.cloudfront .net / lib / Wp-content / uploads / 2017/05 / 41fFoVlOnL._SL350-93x140.jpg 93w, // Jpg 103w, // 200w "sizes =" (max-width: 232px) 100vw, 232px "/> </div> <p> In His new book, <em> The Science of Early Childhood Development: Clinical applications of childhood mental health concepts of childhood through adolescence, </em> Claudia M. Gold s & # 39; supports research, th Editions and recent thumbnails to deepen the world of young children And show juice How we can better understand them now and as adulterated. </p> <p> "Whether the client is a day or twenty-one years old, the science of early childhood development provides a conceptual framework from which to understand, make sense of its history," writes Gold. </p> <p> The paradigm of child mental health, Gold tells us, is characterized by four key elements: it is relational, developmental, multidisciplinary and reflective. However, we also need to move from the question of (as far as the problem of the child) to why (in this sense, why does it behave like it is). </p> <p> "When we listen without needing to make a diagnosis, we have the opportunity to think creatively to have sensitive stories that have several layers of complexity," Gold writes. </p> <p> Of particular importance - so often overlooked - is the state concerned about the mother, which is illustrated when it is expected that what should come naturally is not , And the new mother finds herself uncomfortable. As these feelings make it difficult to read the cues of her infant, the result is a downward spiral of mutual dysregulation. Here, it is the mother herself who may need more than one instruction. </p> <p> Gold cites renowned development specialist Donald Winnicott, "Mothers who do not have to provide sufficient care can not be good enough by simple instruction." </p> <p> Gold offers the example of a young mother who comes to her office after being referred by a pediatrician concerned about her anxiety and her multiple visits to the colic despite the comfort that # 39 There was nothing wrong. As the baby begins to wake up and the young mother's restlessness, she begins to look for her "drops of colic". </p> <p> The organ gently encourages and takes time to observe the baby. As the young mother soothes the baby and finally gets into his sleep, Gold notices the difficulty he is making from wake to sleep. Calm down, the young mother then thinks about the anxiety, the intrusion and her doubts as a single mother of her mother. </p> <p> By offering her the safe environment that she never received from her own mother, Gold can teach her to tolerate her own failures, to see her baby as her true self And not a reflection of her weaknesses, and find a way to be a good mother herself </p> <p> Gold also seeks the theory of attachment with a new La Insight - in order to raise children securely tied, parents must be able to hold the child to the mind, both emotionally and cognitively. Called mentation - or reflective functioning, which stems from mind theory - this process lays the foundation for the child to stand and other minds and develops more The internal regulation capacity. Golds also describes several instances where mentation fails - often due to parental difficulty with emotional regulation - and children become dysregulated, often acting explosively. </p> <p> However, when a mother learns to interpret the meaning of her child's actions, and engage with the child in mutual regulation, the relationship itself does not change Only how the child learns self-regulation, but also how its genes express themselves. </p> <p> "Experience forms the genetic potential and early life relationships are critical for influencing brain development," Gold writes, describing a very new field of study called epigenetics. </p> <p> While children may have genetic predispositions to a mental illness, the relationship they develop with their caregivers can serve as a buffer against the type of dysregulation that paves the way for mental illness. Gold describes a young couple whose two-year-old son who had already disappeared had begun to have aggressive anger seizures. </p> <p> Exploring, Gold discovers that the father of the child had received "public spanking in the back" as a young child, and now, seeing his young son act, dissociated from him , Incapable of being manifest empathically. Yet, by becoming aware of his tendency to disconnect from his disturbing past, the father was able to learn to stay with his son, even under difficult circumstances. </p> <p> Interventions like this are possible, Gold tells us, when the clinician keeps helping the mind and listening to them in a way that helps them to find meaning In the behavior of their child. Through applications such as the management of a history of early textured development, reframing postpartum depression and listening to multigenerational trauma, clinicians can help caregivers review the behavior of Their children so as to go beyond the diagnostic categories to better describe the meaning of what they do. </p> <p> While children can act for various reasons, these moments also offer enormous opportunities for reconnection between parents and children. </p> <p> "Relations between parent and therapist, between child and therapist, and between parent and child Provide healing," wrote Gold. Brilliant ideas, transformative vignettes and directly applicable tools, the new Golden Book shows how clinicians can learn to offer the space that provides this healing. </p> <blockquote> <em> <br/> The science of early childhood development: clinical applications of childhood mental health concepts of childhood through adolescence </em> <br/> Claudia M. Gold <br/> WW </h3> <br/> </h3> <br/> </h3> <br/></pre>
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