HEALTH COACH - Anorexia can have both psychiatric roots, metabolic

 Anorexia can have both psychiatric roots, metabolic  
 Anorexia can have both psychiatric roots, metabolic "id =" newsimg14 "srcset =" // dri6hp6j35hoh Brain -DNA-Human-Head-big-bigstock-243x300.jpg 243w, // Human-Head-big-bigstock-114x140.jpg 114w, // 126w, // dri6hp6j35hoh. -DNA-Human-Head-big-bigstock-202x249.jpg 202w, // <p> Scientists have identified the first genetic location for anorexia nervosa and have discovered that the disorder Of diet may be partially related to metabolic factors associated with type I diabetes and Autoimmune disorders. </p> <p> A genetic locus refers to the location or "address" on a w chromosome. For example, a gene for a particular trait is located. </p> <p> This powerful genetic study was conducted by the Eating Disorders Working Group of the Consortium of Psychiatric Engineering, an international collaboration of researchers from multiple institutions around the world. It consisted of a DNA-genome-wide analysis of 3,495 people with anorexia nervosa and 10,982 unaffected individuals. </p> <p> "In the science of team, we brought together more than 220 scientists and clinicians to achieve this large sample size. Without this collaboration, we would never have been able to discover that anorexia has psychiatric and metabolic roots, "said Gerome Breen, Ph.D., of King's College London. </p> <p> When some genetic variation turns out to be far more common in people with a disorder than unaffected people, variations are said to be "associated" with the disorder. </p> <p> "We have identified a significant locus of the genome for anorexia nervosa on the human genome regions where disorder problems reside, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute. Chromosome 12, in a region previously associated with type I diabetes and autoimmune disorders, "said lead investigator, Cynthia Bulik, Ph.D., FAED, founding director of Unive The University of North Carolina (UNC) Excellence Center for Eating Disorders And a Professor at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. </p> <p> "We have also calculated the genetic correlations - to what extent different traits and disorders are caused by the same genes," she said. "Anorexia nervosa was significantly genetically correlated with neuroticism and schizophrenia, supporting the idea that anorexia is indeed a psychiatric illness." </p> <p> "But, unexpectedly, we have also found strong genetic correlations with various metabolic characteristics, including body composition (BMI) and metabolism of insulin-glucose. To deepen the way in which metabolic factors increase the risk of anorexia nervosa. "</p> <p> Researchers continue to study larger sample sizes and see this as the beginning of anorexia. Anorexia in anorexia nervosa. Monitoring anorexia nervosa both psychiatric and metabolic could arouse interest in the development or reuse of drugs for its treatment where none exist Currently none. </p> <p> "Working with large datasets allows us to make discoveries that would never be possible in smaller studies, "Said Laramie Duncan, Ph.D., of Stanford University, who was the project's lead analyst. </p> <p> <p> <p> <p> </p> <p> </p> ] <br/> Pedersen, T. (2017). Anorexia can have psychiatric and metabolic roots. <em> Psych Central </em>.<br />Retrieved on May 14, 2017, from</p></pre></pre>
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