HEALTH COACH - Barefoot race: what you need to know before you try it

 Barefoot race: what you need to know before you try it  

With summer in sight, we want to spend our waking hours outside, preferably barefoot. Because you take off your shoes and put your feet in the ground is one of the most liberating and powerful feelings, especially when the weather is beautiful. Studies even show that bare feet - otherwise called "grounding" - have health benefits, such as increasing antioxidants and improving sleep.

So as we prepare to take more of our workouts outdoors, your mind may have gone past to run barefoot. I know mine has! Maybe you have friends who do, or maybe you've tried it once or twice. But is this good for you? Let's talk about that.

Strength of the bow and ankle injuries.

Before the invention of shoes, human beings had stronger feet. They did not have the possibility of a buffer between them and the earth, so what could they do? They have adapted.

But in addition to bows, ankles and toes, people did not have to deal with factors like the sidewalk and the possibility that glass chips were hiding nearby. "Barefoot racing is a good idea in theory, but I do not recommend it," says Michelle Cady, the coach and integrative trainer in health. "We do not all live in the woods or along the paths of mild dirt of the meadow. In the concrete jungle, a level of protection is needed to absorb the impact impact of each step of walking."

Fitness Instructor and Physiotherapist Dara Richman adds that in the modern world our feet are simply not built to work without any support, and some feet do not even support with support

]. "Low foot support for collapsed arches, excessively rigid arches and overall ankle weakness of deconditioning or ankle sprains can lead to more ankle sprains, Foot injuries and foot injuries. "A poor base and lack of foot support can cause problems in the chain as well as knee problems and pain, ligament sprains and ACL injuries."


What about shoes with tip or minimalist running shoes?

A few years ago, it seemed that minimalist running shoes or footwear were everywhere. People were taking them to the office, to the grocery store and to the races. Michelle says that even if she does not like shoes, you have to build your strength before you rely on them completely. "One of my clients ran into minimalist toe shoes for years without pain," she said. She adapted them slowly, building from five minutes to ten minutes, and so on. Now she can run half marathons in buttons shoes. "

But overall, his racing recommendation is old regular sneakers." I think shoes are better for walking and shopping to strengthen your foot strength, do not subject Your foot to the impact of stride. I bother you to shape them and wear them on your next trip to the grocery store! "

Dr. Gabrielle Lyon and the osteopathic physician, says she thinks that if people want to run barefoot eventually, shoes are good place to start.

In addition, they make quite the fashion statement.

Where you have to run if you go For Run barefoot

It is probably obvious at the moment, but running barefoot on rock cement is not the best idea. "The best places to run barefoot are always Of the beach or soft grass, "says Gabrielle. You can progress in the streets, but the danger lies in the glass cuts."

Michelle agrees that the Beaches and grass are the best options. "If you find yourself at the beach, A soft, grassy prai, or dirt road, consider having five minutes of barefoot underway. Under your belt, but as a warning, your ankles will feel it the next day. S an injury. "

Good luck!
