HEALTH COACH - Trump Administration removes the food diet rules Obama
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Trump Administration removes the food diet rules Obama
Trump administration has relaxed the school lunch requirements of Obama on Monday, saying schools do not need to try so hard to serve whole grains, Fat free milk and low salt foods.
It is too difficult for schools to do and children do not like food, said the Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue.
"If children do not eat the food, and find themselves in the trash, they do not get any nutrition - thus jeopardizing the program's intent," Perdue said in a statement. The Department of Agriculture has jurisdiction over school food programs.
"Schools face challenges in finding the full range of products they need and that their students enjoy a form rich in whole grains. They need continued flexibility to meet the needs of whole grains for school meals, "USDA said in a statement titled" The Secretary of the Ag, Perdue, is moving to make Great school meals. "
The rules were part of the 2010 Healthy and Hungry Children Act, signed by President Barack Obama and promoted by First Lady Michelle Obama as part of her initiative "Let's Move" .
"It is discouraging that just a few days of his term, one of the first things that the Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue will do to bring back the progress on the quality of meals served to children "Said Margo Wootan of the Center for Science in the Public Interest said in a statement.
"Ninety percent of American children eat too much sodium every day. Schools are moving in the right direction, so it does not make sense to freeze this progress in its path and allow dangerously high levels of salt in the school meal. "
Perdue said that the USDA would work on more permanent solutions, but meanwhile would let school districts withdraw from certain requirements.
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"A perfect example is in the south, where schools want to serve grain," said Perdue, a former governor of Georgia.
"But the whole grain variety has little black flakes, and the children do not eat it." The school meets the requirements of whole grain, but no one eats the grain. No sense. "
Image: Michelle Obama at school lunch "title =" Image: Michelle Obama at school lunch "/>
Michelle Obama lunch with the students of the elementary school Parklawn in Alexandria, Virginia, in January 2012. Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP file
USDA also gives schools a break to meet the low sodium requirements by 2020, as well as more careless requirements on the types of milk they can To serve.
"Lost will lead the USDA to begin the regulatory process for schools to serve 1% of flavored milk in school meal programs," the agency said.
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"I have 14 grandchildren, and there is no way to suggest anything if I did not think it was good, healthy and correct," Perdue said.
The new approach is included in the budgetary agreement sent to Congress for a vote this week, which would finance the government until October.
"The Secretary of Agriculture authorizes States to grant an exemption from the requirements for whole grain that took effect on July 1, 2014 and states must establish an assessment and response process , Within a reasonable time, to the requests for exemption, "the budget agreement reads.
They have to show that they are struggling to get the products and make sure that students eat them, the bill says.
Related: Budget Bill Loosens Sodium, Menu Requirements
Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration has delayed the labeling requirements of the restaurant's menu a full year, until 2018. The restaurant industry had made large Efforts against the rule and managed to delay it several times.
"The FDA has made the right decision to delay a rule that would essentially dictate how each food establishment in America with more than 20 sites - restaurants, grocery stores, cinemas and more - writes and displays its menus, Health and Human Services, Tom Price, said in a statement.
CSPI did not like this decision either.
"Republicans are just as likely as Democrats to suffer from diabetes, heart disease and other diet related health problems," said Wootan. "Yet the Trump administration is myopically putting the interests of Big Food on the interests of American consumers.
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