The mortality rate of black America falls, but the disparities remain, CDC says ". (" click ", function (t) {(0, s. Default) ("body"). RemoveClass ("Show-overlay")}, a.append (i), n.append (a), (0, s.default) ), (U) ("countyMouseOut stateMouseOut", function (t) {d.hide ()}), var (0, s.default) ("#tooltip"), d = new c.CNN_ToolTip (l, ("cnn-tooltip")) RemoveClass ("show-overlay")}), function (t, e, n) {t.exports = (T, e, n) {t.exports = np + "data / old / countyData.json"}, function T.exports = np + "data /old/states.json"},function(t,e,n){t.exports=n.p+"data/old/us.json"},function(t,e, N) {t.exports = n .p + "data / old / us2016.topo.json"}, function (t, e, n) {t.exports = np + (T, e, n) {t.exports = np + "data / old / usa.json"}, function Data / usa.json "}, function (t, e) {" Use strictly "; The function n (t, e) {if (! (T instanceof e)) Run New TypeError (function can not call a class as function)} function a () {return window.getComputedStyle? Window.getComputedStyle (document.querySelector ("body"), ": before"). GetPropertyValue ("content") ") .split ("). Join (""): void 0} Object.defineProperty (e, "__ esModule", {value: 0}); Var t = t (e) {t (t, e) {For (var n = 0; n
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"HIV mortality rate among Blacks has fallen by about 80% among 18-49 year olds," he said.
Dramatic decreases in HIV deaths have also been observed in whites, the data showed. Yet a racial disparity remains, as blacks are even more likely to die from HIV, according to the report.
Data also showed that Blacks in age groups 18 to 34 and 35 to 49 were almost twice as likely to die from heart disease, stroke and Of diabetes as white.
For blacks aged 18 to 64 years, data show that they run a higher risk of premature death than whites.
" These results are generally consistent with the results of the survey. Reports that use the term "bad weather", suggesting that Blacks experience premature aging and a health decline more advanced than whites and that this decline in health accumulates throughout life and Potentially across generations. This occurs because of psychosocial, economic and environmental stressors, "said Leandris Liburd, director of the CDC's Office of Minority Health and Health Equity.
Liburd was not the author of the new report, published in The Weekly Report of CDC Morbidity and Mortality
For adults 65 years and over , The gap between the racial mortality rate seems to be closing, the data showed. In general, the leading causes of death in blacks are heart disease, cancer and stroke, said Liburd.
"I can not say enough that we must continue to understand both the relationship between social and economic conditions and their impact on health disparities and then identify ways of working to improve these Conditions, "she said. African American health is improving and many of the disparities we see in chronic diseases are largely preventable "
" Where we live determines our health " T The new report highlighted social and economic conditions, such as poverty, limited access to health care, educational attainment and home ownership, as factors influencing The gaps in racial health
"We see similar disparities in the treatment of patients with cancer," he said.
The new CDC report showed that blacks have the highest mortality rate for all cancers combined compared to white people.
Moreover, in all age groups, blacks were more likely than whites to describe than they could not. To visit a doctor in the past year Because of the cost, according to the report.
"The good news is that disparities in mortality rates are narrowing in the main categories. However, we have long paths to go" Gaskin said about the report.
The National Urban League, a civil rights group, issued a separate report Tuesday titled "The State of Black America 2017: Protect Our Progress".
The report notes that President Donald Trump's efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act could disproportionately weigh on the black community, which is already facing a disparity in access to care.
Overall, Gaskin would call disparities in racial health in America a "crisis," he said. ]
"This is like a huge forest fires that burns the African American community and society has not deployed sufficient resources to control it, and much less put it out" , He said.
Gaskin proposed that community resources - such as access to public safety, quality food, public recreation and medical care - could help decrease Of such disparities.
Although individual behaviors, such as eating a healthy diet and regular exercise, self Investment in black communities and expanding access to care also remain important to improve overall health, said Cunningham, the lead author of the report.
"What We Do k Now, other studies that have documented changes in mortality and changes in life expectancy over time, They are often associated with improvements in access to health care, such as chronic disease screening, regular follow-up visits, taking medications regularly, "Cunningham told the press conference.
"Where we live determines our health; It determines our quality of housing, the schools we attend, our opportunities for employment, "he said. Individual behavior is important, but a challenge we face is that we need to invest in places where people live. "
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