HEALTH COACH - Low-dose aspirin is linked to lower risk of breast cancer, according to a study

 Low-dose aspirin is linked to lower risk of breast cancer, according to a study  
In the 23% of women who reported using a low dose aspirin regularly, Researchers have seen a 20% reduction developing HR-positive / HER2 negative breast cancer, some of the most common forms of the disease.

The risk was inversely associated with taking a low-dose aspirin three or more times a week, compared to women who had no regular use of 39 Low dose aspirin.

Women who took other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen did not see as much difference, nor did those who took a regular dose of ibuprofen ;aspirin. Previous studies have shown mixed results in the impact of breast cancer in women who have taken regular aspirin at high doses.

Aspirin is already known for its potential to reduce other types of cancer and cancer deaths, especially in people at risk for colorectal cancer.

The US Preventive Services Task Force guidelines recommend that some people regularly take low-dose aspirin to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer. But not everyone can take it; For example, it is not recommended for people with bleeding diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcers, as they may increase bleeding.
 Neanderthals may have self-medication well before the pills, shows the study "Data-src-mini =" // i2.cdn.cnn .Next / dam / assets / 160113094817-neanderthals-allergies-small-169.jpg "data-src-xsmall =" // i2.cdn.cnn. Neanderthals-allergies-large-169.jpg "data-src-small =" Neanderthals-allergies-large-169.jpg "data-src-medium = "//" data-src-large = "// /assets/160113094817-neanderthals-allergies-super-169.jpg "data-src-full16x9 =" // " Data-src-mini1x1 = "//" Data-load request = "Not loaded" data-eq-pts = "Min I: 0, xsmall: 221, small: 308, medium: 461, wide: 781 "src =" data: image / gif; Base64, R01GODlhEAAJAJEAAAAAAP /////// WAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAAAAkAIAIKlI + py + 0Po5yUFQA7 "/> <noscript> <img alt=
The new study # 39 Has not examined why there might be an association between the lower cancer risk and Aspirin, but author Leslie Bernstein, a professor in the Division of Etiology of Cancer in the Department of Population The Beckman Research Institute of the City's comprehensive Cancer Center of hope, said that one of the reasons may be that aspirin can decrease inflammation.

"Just as obesity or inflammatory conditions are a risk factor for breast cancer, so this may be one of the reasons why this could help," Declared Bernstein.

She also says that research has shown that aspirin works as an inhibitor of aromatase. Breast cancer is often treated with a drug that is a stronger form of aromatase inhibitor; It stops the production of estrogen, which can stimulate the growth of cancer cells positive hormone receptors.

When Bernstein spoke of the potential impact of aspirin on inhibitors, she was asked if there would be a link with the lowering of Risk of breast cancer. Her colleague Christina Clarke began reviewing the data and saw the association noted in this study.

"Of course, other research, including clinical trials, is needed to see if this is the case," Bernstein said.

Nancy Cook, a professor in the Department of Epidemiology at Harvard University, who also looks for the impact of aspirin on cancer, released a study in 2013 Who found a reduction in colorectal cancer after 10 years of using low-dose aspirin, but found no association with breast cancer reduction.

In this study, "it is possible that the lack of effect is due to the low replacement day dose used, but data from other randomized trials generally do not have an effect On breast cancer, "she said. A statement by email, so the result of the current study is different.

She also warned that before adding a daily low-dose aspirin to your morning routine, do not forget that the current study is merely observational.

"This means that he can not determine the causes and effects," Cook said. "The meta-analyzes that the authors cite are also mainly based on observation data. On the other hand, large observational studies are sometimes able to detect effects in certain groups or outcomes More rare than trials are not allowed to see, so these studies are always valuable. "
